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Most Reliable Pass4itsure Microosft 70-595 Dumps Practise Questions, Real Microosft 70-595 Dumps Certification Online, We Help You Pass TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions by Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 – pass4itsure 70-595 dumps (Update 50 Questions).

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Microsoft certification 70-595 exam is a test of IT professional knowledge. TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions is the full name of 70-595 test. The Microsoft Global Partner Learning certification strengthens the employment prospects and opens up myriads of opportunities for them. There are 50 questions in real Microsoft 70-595 dumps exam, which will take the candidates 90 minutes to complete the test. The Associated Certifications of Microsoft 70-595 TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions exam is MCTS.

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The available language is English. Candidates can register Microsoft 70-595 dumps exam at Pearson VUE testing center. With it you can pass the difficult Microsoft 70-595 exam effortlessly. This 70-595 pdf will lead a right way for you to be close to success. Candidates can prepare for this exam by taking TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions course.

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Pass4itsure Latest and Most Accurate Microosft 70-595 Dumps Exam Q&As(1-10) 

You are developing a BizTalk Server 2010 orchestration. In the Business Rule Composer, you create and save a policy named BonusPolicy that calculates an employees bonus based on year- to-date sales. You add a Call Rules shape to the orchestration. In the BizTalk Orchestration Designer, BonusPolicy is not listed in the menu of available policies to call. You need to make the policy available in the Orchestration Designer. What should you do?
A. Use the Rule Engine Deployment Wizard to export BonusPolicy.
B. In the Business Rules Composer, publish BonusPolicy.
C. In the Business Rules Composer, create a vocabulary with a definition that references the XML schema used to evaluate BonusPolicy. Publish the vocabulary.
D. In the Business Rules Composer, use the Rule Store menu and load policies from the BizTalkRuleEngineDb database.
70-595 exam Correct Answer: B

You use BizTalk Server 2010 to send EDI purchase orders to three trading partners. All of the trading partners use the same version of the purchase order message but define custom codes for the product types. The trading partners confirm purchase order acknowledgements by email instead of through response messages. The standard purchase order schemas included with BizTalk do not include the custom product type codes for each trading partner. You need to ensure that each trading partners purchase order schema is the schema that is used for orders that are sent to them. What should you do?
A. Under the transaction set settings for the party, define an envelope for each trading partner. For the namespace, use the custom namespace you defined for each BizTalk schema.
B. Under the transaction set settings for the party, define a local host setting for each trading partner. For the namespace, use the custom namespace you defined for each BizTalk schema.
C. Under the transaction set settings for the party, define an envelope for each trading partner. For the namespace, use the default namespace defined by BizTalk for EDI messages.
D. Under the transaction set settings for the party, define a local host setting for each trading partner. For the namespace, use the default namespace defined by BizTalk for EDI messages.
Correct Answer: A

A BizTalk Server 2010 solution uses Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) to collect business information. The solution contains a BAM view named OrderView. After you deploy the view, application users can log on to the BAM portal but the
OrderView view does not appear to them. You need to ensure that the BAM portal displays the OrderView view to application users. What should you do?
A. Use the BizTalk Tracking Profile Utility (bttdeploy.exe) to redeploy the tracking profile used in this solution.
B. Use the Business Activity Monitoring Utility (bm.exe) to add a subscription for the OrderView view.
C. Create a Microsoft SQL Server logins for the users on the server that hosts the BAMPrimaryImport database.
D. Use the Business Activity Monitoring Utility (bm.exe) to grant the users access to the OrderView view.
70-595 dumps Correct Answer: D

A BizTalk Server 2010 application is designed to receive a file from a customer. The customer periodically updates the file on an FTP site. The file has a name that never changes. You have been given read-only permissions to the site. You need to create a receive location that detects when the file has been updated and then retrieves it. You use the BizTalk Administration console to create a receive port. What should you do next?
A. Create an FTP receive location with the site and credential information. In the FTP adapter properties, set the Delete After Download property to Yes and set the Enable Timestamp Comparison property to Yes.
B. Create an FTP receive location and set the Target File Name property to *.*.
C. Create an FTP receive location with the site and credential information. In the FTP adapter properties, set the Delete After Download property to No and set the Enable Timestamp Comparison property to Yes.
D. Create an FTP receive location and set the Mode property to Passive.
Correct Answer: C

A company uses BizTalk Server 2010 to receive electronic orders from multiple customers. You have schemas for all the order formats that the customers send. You need to create a business process that handles an incoming order. You create a canonical schema that represents an order. You also create an orchestration that handles an order of the canonical schema.
What should you do next?
A. Create maps from each of the customer order formats to the canonical schema. Create a receive port and location and bind the port to the orchestration. Use the maps on the receive port.
B. Create maps from each of the customer order formats to the canonical schema. Create a send port and bind it to the orchestration. Use the maps on the send port.
C. Create maps from the canonical schema to each of the customer order formats. Create a send port and bind it to the orchestration. Use the maps on the send port.
D. Create maps from the canonical schema to each of the customer order formats. Create a receive port and location and bind the port to the orchestration. Use the maps on the receive port.
70-595 pdf Correct Answer: A

A supplier sends messages that they sign with a certificate to a BizTalk Server 2010 application. You need to ensure that the received messages are signed with the certificate. What should you do?
A. Use the XMLTransmit pipeline.
B. Use a custom pipeline that leverages the MIME/SMIME encoder component.
C. Use a custom pipeline that leverages the MIME/SMIME decoder component.
D. Use the XMLReceive pipeline.
Correct Answer: C

In a Microsoft Visual Studio solution, you include an existing shared BizTalk Server 2010 project that is used by more than one BizTalk application. You specify that the shared BizTalk project will be deployed to the same BizTalk application as the other BizTalk projects in the solution. During deployment of the BizTalk project from Visual Studio, you receive the following error: Failed to add resource(s). Resource (-Type=”System.BizTalk:BizTalkAssembly” – Luid=”Contoso.SharedComponent, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=c4b6d1ca34bb90c0″) is already in store and is either associated with another application or with another type. You need to deploy the projects of the solution that reference the shared BizTalk project without errors. What should you do?
A. Open Configuration Manager and clear the Deploy check box for all BizTalk projects. Then build and deploy the solution.
B. Use the BizTalk Administration console to import a copy of the MSI package of the shared component into every BizTalk application.
C. Use the BizTalk Administration console to export the assemblies as a Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) package for the BizTalk solution.
D. Open Configuration Manager and clear the Deploy check box for the shared BizTalk project. Then build and deploy the solution.
70-595 exam Correct Answer: D

You are configuring a BizTalk Server 2010 environment with one server running Microsoft SQL Server for the BizTalk databases and Enterprise Single Sign-On (SSO) store. There are two BizTalk servers. All software has been installed. Both
BizTalk servers will share a BizTalk group. You need to complete the installation in this environment. You start the BizTalk Server Configuration wizard on both BizTalk servers. What should you do next?
A. On BizTalk Server 1, select and apply Basic Configuration. On BizTalk Server 2, select and apply Basic Configuration.
B. On BizTalk Server 1, select Custom Configuration. Create a new SSO system and BizTalk group on the server running SQL Server. On BizTalk Server 2, select Custom Configuration. Create a new SSO system and BizTalk group on the
server running SQL Server.
C. On BizTalk Server 1, select Custom Configuration. Create a new SSO system and BizTalk group on the server running SQL Server. On BizTalk Server 2, select and apply Basic Configuration.
D. On BizTalk Server 1, select Custom Configuration. Create a new SSO system and BizTalk group on the server running SQL Server. On BizTalk Server 2, select Custom Configuration. Join the existing SSO system and BizTalk group.
Correct Answer: D

A BizTalk Server 2010 application is deployed and running. The application has a long-running orchestration with only a single Receive shape that activates the orchestration. There are currently instances of this orchestration in the dehydrated state. You need to make sure that no new orchestration instances are started but that existing instances are allowed to complete. What should you do?
A. Stop all host instances.
B. Stop the application with the option Partial Stop C Suspend running instances.
C. Suspend any running orchestration service instances.
D. Stop the application with the option Partial Stop C Allow running instances to continue.
70-595 dumps Correct Answer: D

You are moving a BizTalk Server 2010 application from a development environment to a QA environment for the first time. You export a copy of the BizTalk application and include the bindings. When importing the Microsoft Windows Installer (MSI) file into the QA environment, you receive the following error: Failed to update binding information. (mscorlib)Cannot update send port “LogContosoMessage”. (Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment)The following items could not be matched up
to hosts due to name and/or trust level mismatches:Item: ‘FILE’ Host: ‘ContosoLogHost’ Trust level: ‘Untrusted’ You need to ensure that the MSI file can be imported into the QA environment.
Which artifacts should you create?
A. a host named ContosoLogHost, a host instance that uses the default host, and a FILE receive adapter handler that uses the ContosoLogHost host instance
B. a BizTalk application and a FILE send adapter handler that uses the default host
C. a host named ContosoLogHost, a host instance that uses the ContosoLogHost host, and a FILE send adapter handler that uses the ContosoLogHost host instance
D. a BizTalk application and a FILE send port named LogContosoMessage that uses the default host
Correct Answer: C

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Exam Code: 70-595
Exam Name: TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions by Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010
Q&As: 50

The TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions by Using Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 (70-595) exam tests a candidate’s knowledge of. Therefore, it will not be easy for you to pass the exam without 70-595 dumps exam pdf. It’s your talisman. This exam consists of 50 questions and includes the fundamental concepts of bring your own device (BYOD) using posture and profiling services of Microsoft. Candidates can prepare for this exam by taking the TS: Developing Business Process and Integration Solutions course to understand and realize the benefits of MCTS certification area.

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